Meet the Professionals
Dr. Rathbone
MB, Ch.B., PhD, FRCP(C)
Dr. Rathbone is a neurologist licensed to practice within the Province of Ontario. He holds a medical degree from the University of Liverpool, a Ph.D. from McMaster University and a Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada with Specialist Certification in Neurology. He is a tenured full professor in the Department of Medicine (Division of Neurology) at McMaster University and is a neuroscientist, active in research. He runs a neurological practice with specialization in neurotrauma, particularly concussion.
Teresa Gambale
Teresa is a registered nurse licensed to practice within the Province of Ontario. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from McMaster University. She has a certificate in Neuroscience Nursing from Mohawk College. She is a neuroscience nurse and research coordinator. She has many years of experience working with patients who have various neurological conditions, including neurotrauma.
Emilie Strain
Emilie completed her BSc in Biomedical Science with a minor in Neuroscience at the University of Guelph followed by her Bachelor of Sciences, Physician Assistant degree at McMaster University. She has worked as a Canadian Certified Physician Assistant in Dr. Rathbone’s neurology practice since 2018.
Danielle Hewko
Danielle graduated from McMaster University with a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Sciences, Radiation Therapy and went on to work at the Juravinski Cancer Centre. This valuable experience fostered a desire to expand her knowledge and led Danielle to pursue a Bachelor of Sciences, Physician Assistant degree at McMaster University. Following graduation Danielle gained experience working in physiatry, following which she found her home working with Dr. Michel Rathbone and his medical team in neurology.
Irene Barton
Irene has worked as a medical administrative assistant with Dr. Rathbone since 2014.